Spielberg invades Bayonne

The dream within a dream: Ray's false waking

One of the important things to note about the dream squence is to know exactly when it started. The fact is, Ray may have gone to sleep earlier than most people think and that the second time was part of a dream within a dream squence. This could explain why many of the weird elements began to emerge prior to when he appears to go to sleep after his argument with Robbie. If so, the fight with Robbie was part of the dream, and he never woke up from the first time he went to bed aftrer the departure of his wife.

This is Ray asleep the first time prior to playing catch with Robbie

These shots depict him going to be a second time

When he finds his son stole his car he goes out to the street to find a nightmare landscape

Inside the house again, he tries to reassure his daughter, but jumps under the table with her. The nightmare just got even weirder

Even the light changes from the very realistic scenes depicted earlier, a dreamscape like world into which Ray plunges again

Confrontation with son is different, Ray seems more dominant

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email to Al Sullivan