I hate being wrong


I hate being wrong

And I’m wrong so often

I sometimes believe I hate myself

But I don’t


I hate doing and saying stupid things

And I do and say stupid things

So often I sometimes think I’m stupid

But I’m not


I hate hurting people I like

Being a Jekyll and Hyde person

That acts out my fears at inappropriate times

Lashing out at people I love

Because they put up with it

And this makes me believe sometimes

I might be a mean person

But I’m not that either


I hate losing friend,

And I’ve lost so many over the years

You’d think I’d gotten accustomed to it

But I haven’t.


I mourn each loss

As if I’ve lost

A brother or a sister,

A lover or the dearest person

I ever knew

And all that’s true.


I hate losing you

Not because I’m any less wrong

Or any smarter
or any less afraid so to strike out

But because without you

I have a lot less than I was

And can never been what I might have been

And know I’ll never know you well enough

To get over being wrong, stupid or afraid

And I hate that most of all.



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