Bringing the World Trade Center down



They come to my world selling me

Disney and McDonalds

Perverting my children

With MTV and Madonna

And the West wonders

Why do I hate them?


My son’s and daughters

Bleeding from their attack of greed

No longer believed what

I taught them to believe

No longer praying for salvation

Only Nike sneakers,

And the West wonders

Why do I hate them?


Businessmen come on my soil

Trading greenbacks for our oil

When we have no water

Very little foot

And pray to low burning lamps after dark

And the West wonders

Why do I hate them?


Western bankers seed the most greedy

Of our world with bribes

Turning father against son

Brother against brother,

So absent faith in Allah

We praise their dollars

And the West wonders

Why do I hate them?


From our humble corner of the globe,

Living in homes made of compacted sand

We watch the Twin Towers rise,

Not made of brick or mortar,

But of the souls of our sons

Each glass pane filled with glimmers

Of their lost faith,

Their fortunes stolen

Their break with our way of live

And the West Wonder

Why we needed to bring them down?


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