It’s your time



SCENE 1  Daytime – department store


ETAB:  exterior of a department story


            Interior of store and shoppers


MASTER:  Over the shoulder of a woman of Rick standing behind a counter


RICK: Look lady,

            I don’t deal in cosmetics.

            It’s not my department.


shot of Rick making his way down the aisle to door.


Over the shoulder of a fellow worker shot of Rick at door and various other shots – solo close, mid-shot


RICK: I’ve gotta get out of this place before they drive me crazy.

            So I’m going home early.

            If the boss asks, tell him, I’m not feeling well

            Which is the truth.

            I’ve had an uneasy feeling since I got here this morning



SCENE 2: Exterior of store day time


Rick is walking against the flow of people

Rich walking towards an apartment building

Close up of him looking troubled, and around at the street as if he senses something wrong.

He comes to the apartment building then climbs the steps

He comes down the hall

Then stops at a door and gets out his keys

He looks down

A light shows under the door.

Reaction shot of him looking alarmed.

Shot of opening door as seen  from inside

Shot of door closing from outside.

Shot of Rick over the shoulder of DEATH then a slow pan to reveal Death’s hooded face.

Solo shot of Rick

RICK: How the hell did you get in here.


Reverse shot of death over Rick’s shoulder


DEATH: I have my ways.


A two shot from side with Rick standing, death seated.


RICK: With the windows and doors all locked?



Reverse over Rick’s shoulder of death


DEATH: Locks do not hinder me.


Solo shot of Rick


RICK:  Are you here to rob me?


Reverse of Rick over Death’s shoulder


            I don’t have much to steal


Two shot from side of Rick and Death


            I’m only a department store clerk


Reverse of Death over Rick’s shoulder


DEATH: I am not here to rob you.


Reverse of Rick


RICK: Then maybe you should get out of here


Solo shot of Rick


            Before I call the police


Reverse of Death over Rick’s shoulder


DEATH: I’ll leave when my purpose is done


Reverse of Rick


RICK: Which is?


Reverse of Death:

DEATH: To collect you


Solo of Rick


RICK:  What the hell does that mean?


Solo of Death


DEATH:  It is your time.


Solo of Rick

RICK: Are you saying you’ve come here to kill me?


Side two shot of Rick and Death


            I know I’ve been a bit testy with customers lately, sending them to hardware when they wanted lingerie


Reverse of Rick over Death’s shoulder


            But that’s no reason for my boss to hire a hit man.


Reverse of death:


DEATH: I do not kill people


Solo of Death:

            I simply collect the dead.


Reverse of Rick over Death’s shoulder


RICK” But I’m not dead


Reverse of Death


DEATH: Sometimes the dead do not know they are already dead.


Solo of Rick:


RICK: For Christ’s sake


Two shot from side


            I’m only middle aged


Reverse of Rick over Death’s shoulder


            I’m too young to die


Reverse of Death over Rick’s shoulder


DEATH: Death must take young or old without prejudice.


Reverse of Rick:


RICK:  I’m not ready yet


Two shot from side


            I haven’t won the lottery.


Solo of Rick


            Or bought a mansion in Beverley Hills


Reverse of death over Rick’s shoulder:


DEATH:  No one is prepared for death


Two shot from side as Death rises from the chair.


            But you’re time has come


Solo shot of Rick as death’s shadow falls over him and a hand appears reaching for him from off screen.


            Come along


Two shot from side with Rick patting his pockets


RICK:  Just hold your horses


Solo shot of Rick


            I can’t find my keys.


Reverse of Death


DEATH:  You have no need of keys


Reverse of Rick


RICK: Damn you


Solo of Rick


            I need time to think


Reverse of Rick over Death’s shoulders


            I’m so confused


Reverse of Death


DEATH:  We have no time


Two shot from the side


            I have others to collect


Reverse of Rick


RICK:  Being dead takes some getting use to


Reverse of Death


DEATH:  You will have an eternity to adjust to the situation


Reverse of Rick


RICK:  Okay, Okay


Side two shot


            Can you tell me where I’m going?


Solo shot of Rick:


            Heaven or that other place?


Reverse of Death over Rick’s shoulder


DEATH:  Sorry


Solo shot of Death


            That’s not my department




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