Bail out
(script to a mini film)
ESTABISH: Exterior of a bank
Master shot: Side view of banker seated at desk
Front medium shot of him counting money
One for you
Shot of his hand dropping money onto pile AIG
Front shot of banker
One for you
Shot of hand puling money on pile for GM
Front shot of Banker
One for you
Shot of hand putting money down on pile marked Wall Street
Cross cut shot to bank exterior and Poor Man standing outside the door.
Close up of him looking at papers
Shot of foreclosure notice
Close shot of his worried face looking toward other hand
Close up a picture of his family.
Rear Shot of him entering the bank
Shot of him approaching the desk pov banker
Solo shot of banker:
Can I help you.
Solo shot of the poor man who shows the foreclosure notice
I’ve come to see about my mortgage
Reverse shot of banker receiving the notice, looking at it, sharking his head
I’m afraid I can’t help you
Shot of him dropping the mortgage and notice on the pile marked AIG
Solo shot of poor man pulling out his wallet, fumbling to get out a credit card.
But I thought I might pay for it with this.
Close up shot of the credit card as poor man hands it towards the banker
Shot of banker receiving the card, looking at it, and shaking his head.
I’m afraid this won’t do.
Shot of the card dropping into the pile marked “Wall Street.”
Shot of poor man pulling out his car keys
What about my car?
I can give you that to cover the mortgage
Presents keys towards banker
Shot of banker receiving the keys, then again shaking his head.
Shot of keys dropping into the pile marked GM
Shot of banker again
Is that all you have?
Close up of poor man into fade
Shot of him standing with a sign in front of him saying “I beg for food) fade
Shot of his face
No, that’s not all
Medium shot of him fumbling in his pockets again, this time coming up with a gun which he points at the banker
Reverse of gun aimed at the banker and his reaction
Shot of arm grabbing up the money from the three piles.
Shot of poor man seen from exterior of bank as alarm goes off