April 5, 2012
She emails me stories asking advice, and it’s difficult to tell her she doesn’t need it.
I gave her a book some time last year on how to do weekly journalism when she said she was a little over her head.
It seemed foolish then since her work is as good as mine is.
So what do you say to a person like that?
I send back suggestions and then notice that she has signed her email as “cub,” something I didn’t get at first.
I don’t pretend to understand it.
I’m not the mentoring type, and her writing is so good it makes me want to compete – always a good thing.
It reminds me of college and the competition I felt there, and that time I was humiliated by Craig in a graduate level playwriting contest I got invited back to.
I was writing a sit com, Craig wrote a masterpiece – I had to sit through with head hung low.
It took me a year to write something it’s equal.
I feel a little like that now, watching someone that challenges me.
Cub indeed!